Jill Rose Noire: violin driven Goth band

Rose Noire was formed by Louie(Vocal) and Jill(Violin) as siblings in a violin driven Goth band, when we were the students of the Tokyo National University of Fine arts and Music.

Got the prize of ZOOM at SONY-ZOOM DEMO tape competition in 2007.  Jill  graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Department of Music and through the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music University High School.

Won the same award voice meeting at the time of graduation. She won numerous awards in international competitions at home and abroad in the field of classical music.

Jill Official Blog is here http://ameblo.jp/rosenoirejill/
Main website: http://www.rosenoire.info/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/R0SENoire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoseNoireOfficial

Albums: http://dlonline.ocnk.net/product-list/246

new album due December 4 2013

Rose Noire [FEED] MV FULL

Rose Noire [Bones] MV FULL
