Each of the songs on the album is a personal celebration of individuals who have passed on, but through their deeds and words still resonate in the 21st century. Going as far back as Eleanor of Acquitaine (1122 – 1204) to Viktor Frankl (1905 – 1997), and including a tribute to one of Rod & Gab’s enduring touchstones – animals and nature. This diverse and fascinating list will strike a chord with anyone familiar with the duo’s passion for human rights, literature, history and philosophy.
- See more at: http://www.rodgab.com/

1. The Soundmaker (inspired by Antonio de Torres Jurado: 1817 - 1892)
2. Torito (inspired by animals and nature)
3. Sunday Neurosis (inspired by Viktor Frankl: 1905 - 1997)
4. Misty Moses (inspired by Harriet Tubman: 1820 - 1913)
5. Somnium (inspired by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: 1651 - 1695)
6. Fram (inspired by Fridtjof Nansen: 1861 - 1930)
7. Megalopolis (inspired by Gabriela Mistral: 1889 - 1957)
8. The Russian Messenger (inspired by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: 1821 - 1881)
9. La Salle Des Pas Perdus (inspired by Eleanor of Acquitane: 1122 - 1204)
Rodrigo y Gabriela - 9 Dead Alive
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