Rachel Savoie: Dream Theater - These Walls and The Girl From Ipanema - Luna Guitars Rose Nylon String

Full cover of the song "These Walls." Thanks for watching! :-)
Signal Chain: Agile Interceptor Pro 725/Squier Jazz Bass - Axe FX Standard - RME Fireface 800 - DAW
Cordoba Classical Guitar recorded with two KSM137's - Mogami XLR - Fireface 800
Drums programmed with Superior Drummer 2.0
Synths by Omnisphere
Dream Theater - These Walls Cover by Rachel Savoie
This was a test to hear the Luna Rose Nylon guitar in a recorded setting with two Shure KSM137's, as well as with the direct signal with the B-band Preamp that is built into the guitar. The song being played is "The Girl From Ipanema" by Antônio Carlos Jobim.
Signal Chains:
Mic'ed: Luna Rose Nylon - two KSM137's - Mogami XLR - RME Fireface 800 - DAW
Direct Signal: Luna Rose Nylon - B-band Preamp - Fireface 800 - DAW
Luna Guitars Rose Nylon Guitar Tone Test/Demo - Jazz
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