The Shakers @ The Viper Club 08/08/14 Jack Lue Series

Melodic High Energy Rock n Roll with a Soulful Back Bone :P
“If it doesn’t fit in our Honda Element, then we don’t play it.” Not a bad M.O. for a group of talent on the rise – just cut the crap and rock out. That said, meet THE SHAKERS from Los Angeles – a fun-loving yet gritty brand of good old fashioned rock n’ roll, fronted by the ever-so-charming and undeniably heart-warming Jodie Schell.

Just when you thought every musical hybrid had been realized, L...See More
Descriptionshow listings are here: http://ilovetheshakers.tumblr.com/

Chris Lee - lead guitar
Jodie Schell - lead vox
John "Ro" Rogan - lead bass and backing bass
Nick Woods - drums (Nick proudly endorses and believes in the sweet sounds of Soultone Cymbals)
Band interestsFox and Hounds, lilithfair, zombies, Viper Room, dogs, Huntington Beach, Roller Derby, our moms

Jack Lue is a pro photographer and can be found on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jack.lue All rights to images remain with Jack Lue and any posting requires appropriate attribution
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