IZZY / Isabella Tuni : vocals
KLA / Claudia Gamba : guitars
ERIKA / Erika Pagin : bass
ELISA / Elisa Montin : drums
The Star Cellulite is a trademark in the panorama of Italian female rock'n'roll. Four girls with a strong taste and ear trained to create forceful and magnetic melodies hardpunknroll presented to the public in 2008 their debut album "Explicit Attitude", full of stinging riffs and overwhelming, with catchy music, revelers and pervaded by a strong attitude ri r'n'r beautiful! After several changes of line-up, finally in 2011 the band is ready to go with more charged than ever, with live concerts and a second album in the works. These girls know exactly what 'want : their sole purpose and 'what to play and have fun doing both with style to spare!
CELLULITE STAR - Out of the Cage // official videoclip (2014)
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