Jodie Schell: The Shakers @ King King 02-09-15 Jack Lue Series

Chris Lee - lead guitar
Jodie Schell - lead vox
John "Ro" Rogan - lead bass and backing bass
Nick Woods - drums (Nick proudly endorses and believes in the sweet sounds of Soultone Cymbals)

Jack Lue Series - Jack Lue is a pro photographer and can be found on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jack.lue All rights to images remain with Jack Lue and any posting requires appropriate attribution

Full Series
Interview: The Shakers [Badass Bands Blog Live]

MAY 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 2015
Our 65-minute show is running Fridays & Saturdays
at Way 2 Much Entertainment
1910 W Temple St., Los Angeles

SHAPESHIFTER is a one-of-a-kind experience: a Hybrid Circus and Rock Show, fusing high-flying aerial performance with the hard rock music of LA band THE SHAKERS. Frontwoman Jodie Schell plays The Shaman, whose soaring vocals lead a group of Souls on a journey from darkness to light, as they themselves soar to great heights.

This live performance tells the story of four Souls whose fates hang in the balance between Kali, the manifestation of darkness, and his counterpart the Light Bearer. Through the original music of
The Shakers - from their album Rescue Team - the Souls learn that one’s path must be forged through both the darkness and the light.

Written and directed by Jordann Baker, SHAPESHIFTER is a story of trials and triumph, struggle and liberation, and of overcoming all obstacles on the road to self-realization. Step into a new world where shredding guitars rip through the fabric of reality, drums provide a heartbeat, and the magical voice of The Shaman shakes the foundation of everything you thought you knew about circus performance. The LA Weekly review raved, "SHAPESHIFTER is Cirque du Soleil meets Rock Concert meets Art Show meets..."
Come one, come all, to the one and only...SHAPESHIFTER.
SHAPESHIFTER at King King 2/19/2015
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