Have a guitar in Osaka is "Yukiko"ヽ(* ^ ω ^ *) Bruno
Twitter: Https://Twitter.Com/Blueffect1
comment ask if you have any advice or comments (* ^ ▽ ^ *) blog I lookヽ(. · v ·.) No゙Http://Ameblo.Jp/yukiko-ada/ ※ Upon new girl band formed in Osaka I am looking for a vocal! Now we have two guitar (21-year-old and 20-year-old) base (18 years old) and the drum (18 years)! The woman of high school students to 21-year-old! Please contact us by e-mail and Twitter If you have any interest! E-mail: m@haniroo-music.com
I tried playing the guitar of ONE OK ROCK "Nothing Helps"! Wan'o clock!