Moxy Anne, Sydney Ellen, Shea Hamilton, Alexey Poblete: Moxi set for Rocklahoma appearance!

Moxy Anne
We'll be at Rocklahoma this year.
Yep. All four of us.
You guys know what that means.
Right? heart emoticon

Photo credit to the amazing Jack Lue, for all four photos! \m/

#Rocklahoma #bands #metal #moxyandtheinfluence#alternative #2016 #girlbands #festival #newmusic#sevendust #sixxam #greatwhite #scorpions#Megadeth #robzombie #disturbed #bfmv #popevil#thousandfootkrutch #chevelle #pod #niterain#girlbandsaretakingovertheworld — with Shea Hamilton, Alexey Poblete Page, Alexey D. Pobleteand Sydney Ellen at Rocklahoma.