Cover of Sweet Child O Mine by 10 year old guitarist Lucy Gowen and 10 year old singer-songwriter Emma Marie.
Follow Lucy on Twitter: www.twitter.com/lucygowen
Follow Lucy on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lucygowenplaysguitar
Lucy is proud to be endorsed by Joyo Pedals, On-Stage Stands and RJM Custom Cajons.
Recorded between May and July 2015, when Lucy was 10 years old, Sweet Child O Mine is her first recording collaboration through Colorado based mentoring site RAMP.
After interviewing her for KRFC Radio in Fort Collins Co, Vincent Burkardt at RAMP introduced Lucy to 10 year old Colorado singer-songwriter Emma Marie. Using social media and with support from family and music teachers, at a distance of 5,000 miles and despite never having met or performed together, the two musicians recorded and produced their cover of the classic hit from the 1987 album 'Appetite for Destruction.'
Lead & Rhythm Guitar: Lucy Gowen
Vocals: Emma Marie www.emmamariemusic.net
Lucy Gowen & Emma Marie Sweet Child o Mine cover
Lucy Gowen & Emma Marie Sweet Child o Mine cover