PUSSY/DC - A Whole Lotta AC/DC Female Tribute Band (from Italy)
Live @ AC/DC Night Temus Club (Agno, Svizzera) – 5 Gennaio 2016
Grace Scott - Lead Vocals
BarbaRudd - Drums
Saralcolm - Rhythm Guitar
SylvyAngus - Lead Guitar
Alyff - Bass Guitar
Very Special Thanks to Mr JGOR GIANOLA for the great video, the audio mix and the great opportunity to play @ the amazing swiss AC/DC Night! Many thanks to everybody @ Temus Club for the warm hospitality! You rock!
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Booking & Contact: acdcladies@gmail.com
PUSSY/DC are 5 wild chicks which share a strong “rock’n’roll damnation” and a huge passion for AC/DC music! An "high voltage" call, overwhelming and irresistible just like their show, they’re girls with “big balls”!! From “TNT” to “Rock Or Bust”, history and energy are guaranteed, and much fun as well! So fasten your seat belts, “are you ready” to “jailbreak” and run on a dangerous curves “Highway To Hell” like never before? "For those about to Rock": the "GIrls Got Rhythm"... PUSSY/DC!!!
PUSSY / DC "Sin City" AC/DC Female Tribute @ Temus Club AC/DC Night, Agno - 5 Gennaio 2016