Callejon - Blitzkreuz - Album: Blitzkreuz (2012) - guitar cover by Jassy J =)
Premiere: Erstes Callejon-Cover und mein erstes Cover einer deutschen Band!!! :DDD Hoffe es gefällt, Callejon sind ne Hammer-Band!!!! Das Lied ist eins meiner Lieblingslieder und ich verbinde einiges damit ^^
This is my first Callejon-Cover AND the first cover of a german band XD I hope you enjoy!! Callejon is a great band! =)
I recorded all guitars from that song with 2 videos each :D
Software: Audacity, Guitar Rig
Guitar: Ibanez GRG250DX BKF
NOTE: I turned down the volume of the backingtrack so that you can hear what I play =) And I learnt that one by ear :D
Please leave some comments here, i would really appreciate it :) And if you want to see more covers, feel free to visit my channel :D
-Jassy J
CALLEJON - Blitzkreuz [GUITAR COVER] by Jassy J