Shreddelicious: congratulations to our sister site Truth In Shredding for passing 8.5 million page views!

The Stats
Truth In Shredding 8.5 million page views!
Featured 6200+ guitar players and musicians
Posts 52,871 average page views 160 per page.
The top 10 female players featured
1 Nili Brosh (134)
2 Jennifer Batten (120)
3 Orianthi (93)
4 Jess Lewis (76)
5 Gretchen Menn (67)
6 Sarah Longfield (64)
7 Nita Strauss (57)
8 Courtney Cox (55)
9 Anouck André (55)
10 Irene Ketikidi (40)
The combined top 10 female players from Truth In Shredding and Shreddelicious
- Nita Strauss 296
- Nili Brosh 272
- Courtney Cox 218
- Jennifer Batten 211
- Sarah Longfield 195
- Jess Lewis 150
- Orianthi 142
- Joanne Shaw Taylor 142
- Gretchen Menn 140
- Irene Ketikidi 140
- Anouck André 135
The Top female players in the 10 posts of all time

Karolina Sustova: new vocal track posted

Laura Cox: Paris Texas?

Juliette Valduriez: Gibson overwhelmed by response to video clip