The Story
My music and my life are not separate entities. It's my work, my play, and my passion. I’ve loved music ever since I was a baby being rocked to sleep by Zeppelin and Deep Purple. My dad’s record collection was my refuge all through grade school. A few years back, I hit rock bottom, I was struggling financially and just couldn’t catch a break. But I decided to play music anyway! For rich or for poor, I finally made the decision to become fully committed to my passion; and that’s when things suddenly started coming together. Through my solo, bluesy, and hard rock projects, I went from being a shy small town girl to a rock n’ roll entrepreneur.
I have been able to grow as a musician, from busking in the street to playing almost 200 shows in a year. Without label support, I had to learn how to be my own publicist, booking agent, sound tech, accountant, manager, you name it!
I've met an amazing network of people along the way, fans, media, promoters and more who have all helped out in some way or another, who I consider my extended family and are all part of the ride.
I have been working to get back in the studio since I released my first solo project in 2013. Without label support, it can be very difficult to release an album on your own. This is why I have created this Indiegogo campaign, to ask for your help in making this album a reality!
Your support and what you get back:
The cost of making an album is significant, there are production costs, studio fees, musician fees, as well as manufacturing costs. I am using this campaign to help offset the costs, which will be a minimum of $25,000. I have created a ton of great perks that are being offered in exchange for your support. They include:
Early release digital album
Early release signed album
Limited edition merchandise
Solo, duo, and full-band house concerts and kitchen parties
If you are interested in helping out in another way, or looking for a different perk, get in touch through the Indiegogo page and we can work something out!
The Risk
There is always a risk when it comes to being an independent artist and releasing your own album, there can be delays and surprise costs. But I have never been more driven and committed to making a project happen. Regardless of whether this campaign meets its goal, I will be releasing new material this fall. If I fall short, I will guarantee an EP but if we reach or better yet, exceed the goal all of the money will be invested into the production of a full-length album!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't afford to contribute to the campaign, the next best thing is sharing with your friends and family. The more we can get the word out, the better!
Additional Thanks to:
Sarah Jamer and Danny Banfield for helping me spearhead this project. Maxwell Poole for video editing, Shaky White for the poster, John Rosborough and Eastlink for video footage and all the photographers like Denis Duquette (refer to photos for credits) who let me use their material for this project.
And thanks to the million other people whose pictures I was not able to squeeze in the video. I had way more pictures and videos I wanted to share as my way of saying thanks, but there’s just too friggin many of you xo.
Christine Campbell IndieGogo Campaign for her New Album!