Divinity was recently invited by Tracy Candido (Lady Boss founder and Director) to speak to a group of women at an Ace Hotel event sponsored by Lady Boss, "an initiative for women in creative industries to kick more ass at work and life."
The topic of the seminar was "[How to have] More Awesome Times at Work" and Divinity shared some of her inspirations and frustrations as an Independent Artist, Musician and Entrepreneur.
Other speakers included Alex Daley, founder of Vann Alexandra, a creative services agency that gets projects financed through crowdfunding.
Mona Chalabi, Data Editor of The Guardian, US and columnist at New York Magazine.
Liz Gutman, co founder of Liddabit Sweets, the pioneering Brooklyn candy company.
Marissa Shrum, strategy director at Mother, leading brand, creative and influencer strategy for Target's Style Business.
Divinity Roxx Speaks about Staying Grounded