Why I'm crazy about my Ibanez 450S WH guitar?
Well, It's my first serious instrument that I've got about a year ago.
The super thin neck and body are very comfortable for me.
It's kind a girl guitar, if you know what I mean! 😉
My idols like Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Andy Timmons and of course Marco Sfogli use(d) iconic Ibanez guitars, so I always loved the brand.
I develop myself every day and my first goal is to become a succesfull musician. Ibanez guitars inspire me to reach that aim.
Used Gear:
-Ibanez 450S WH
-DiMarzio pickups
-Kempler Profilter
-Elixir Strings
Follow me on:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weiszani/
Ibanez Flying Fingers 2016 Anita Weisz, Budapest, HUN
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/weiszani
banez Flying Fingers 2016 Anita Weisz, Budapest, HUN