I've wanted to do a cover of this song for years but something was missing... A double necked Gibson EDS-1275, the same guitar Claudio Sanchez uses on his live performances. I knew I had to get a video with this guitar in some how and wanted to do something different to the usual Hotel California / Jimmy Page stuff. So I started learning Welcome Home. Towards the end I realised that Claudio barely uses the 12 string part so I ended up having to improvise a 12 string part towards the end. I would have incorporated the 12 string a lot more if I had more time but we have to give the loaner guitars back tomorrow. We will be picking them back up from the London Showrooms again in October for the tour so maybe I'm hoping to do follow up video around that time.
A huge thank you to Gibson for supplying us with guitars for the InMe October 2016 Tour of the UK with the band Aaron Buchanan and The Cult Classics.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheCultClassics
Laurie Buchanan - Coheed And Cambria - Welcome Home - Cover