Guitar Idol is Back! …and This Time There Will be 2 Winner
This year's competition is going to be bigger than ever, and as you entered before, we are giving you early access (via the link below) to submit your performance ahead of the rest and before the official launch, later this month.
Last time, more than 250,000 musicians witnessed the biggest online international guitar competition ever staged. With entries coming in from over 100 countries around the world, culminating in TV, Radio and newspaper coverage from countries including; the USA, Canada, UK, Pakistan, Chile, Romania, Hungary, Thailand, Australia and Guatemala to name but a few.
Guitar Idol 2016 - The Contest!
Compose an original guitar composition that showcases your guitar playing and musical ability to the max! You can use any jam tracks and backing tracks of generic rock, blues, metal, funk, etc. However, the guitar part that you are playing must be an original composition.
Guitar Idol is open to any guitarist worldwide. Entries will be voted through to heat 2 and the finals by a combination of public online voting and a panel of official judges.
Enter: http://preview.guitaridol.tv/Enter

New Category for 2016! Guitar Idol: King of the Blues
If you are a master of melody, all about phrasing and tone. If call and response and space amongst the blue note is more your bag than sweep picking and tapping then this is the category for you to submit your entry to. Come and claim your throne and arise as Guitar Idol: King of the Blues”.
100 players will go through to compete in Heat 2: these will be the 20 most viewed on the official Guitar Idol website, the 20 with the highest online score, the 20 most voted for in our YouTube channel (more info), the 10 most commonly added as 'favourites' on the official site, and 30 chosen by the Guitar Idol panel.
The top 100 players will then compete for 10 finalist places - 5 voted for by the online vote and 5 from the Guitar Idol panel.
There will over $20,000 of gear up for grabs this year, with two huge grand prizes for our Guitar Idol and King of the Blues winners, so what are you waiting for? Click here to submit your entry.
Video information:
Please note, when creating your video, please keep to a file size maximum of 1GB. Also, we would highly recommend exporting to MP4 H.264 format (which is an industry standard). This will ensure that the most number of people will be able to view your video in the best possible quality.
Enter http://preview.guitaridol.tv/Enter