My channel - PerpetualBurn:
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My band's channel - Forever Still:
Backing track by metal guitar stuff:
So, it's been a while.
I figured, this amazing caparison guitar deserves a jam of it's own. So here's my caparison jam :D Credits to metalguitarstuff for the great backing track - one of his best ones so far I would say.
Feel free to follow me and throw a like, if you liked the video!
Thanks for watching!
Heads up: I'm going on a EUROPEAN TOUR with my band FOREVER STILL, supporting LACUNA COIL in from the 20th of october till the 30th of november. so.. it might be a while before I put up something new on youtube. BUT, you can of course buy a ticket to a show near you, and then I'll look forward to seeing you!:
Progressive jam on caparison