Here it finally is: my NEW VIDEO of BEAT IT by Michael Jackson! I worked on this arrangement for quite some time, so it feels pretty special and big to now be able to upload this :)
I really hope you enjoy watching and listening - sharing is always appreciated!
I would like to thank Reentko (http://www.youtube.com/reentko/) for his wonderful lessons that made me finish this arrangement, and thanks to Sönke Meinen (http://www.youtube.com/soenkemeinen/) for filming!
My guitar is built by Christina Kobler from Kobler Guitars: http://www.koblerguitars.com/Recorded and mixed by TheEmU Audio-Mastering: http://www.theemu.de/
Upcoming concerts:
Nov. 10th: Göttingen/DE: APEX (Tickets: http://bit.ly/10novAPEX/)
Dec. 11th: Uitgeest/NL: De Zwaan (Tickets: http://bit.ly/DeZwaan11dec/)
Please subscribe for more videos :)
I am Karlijn Langendijk, a 21-year old guitarist and composer from Holland. Currently, I'm living in Dresden, Germany. The past year I've been studying 'Acoustic Guitar' here at the Music University, where I totally started anew with playing the guitar. Playing only steel string guitar before - which developed in making an album at Acoustic Music Records and touring in Germany and China - I now also discovered the beauty of the nylon string guitar.
I hope you enjoy my videos! Please let me know what you think - feedback and requests are always welcome :)

CD/Notes/Tabs: http://www.karlijnlangendijk.com/shop/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/karlijnlangen...
Instagram: http://instagram.com/karlijnlangendijk/
Website: http://www.karlijnlangendijk.com
Beat It (Michael Jackson) - Karlijn Langendijk