Tribute band 2 Hot 2 Handle, performing UFO's "Rock Bottom", at Cook's Corner, Irvine, CA, November 20, 2016.
Guitar-Hailing from Tokyo, Japan, Hisako (Paradise Kitty, South Bay Country, Akari Mon Amour) nails the sounds of Schenker and captures hearts at the same time with her disarming sweetness.
Keyboards-Cherry (Stormbringer Deep Purple Tribute, Project UFO) on RS-5 and Hammond SK-1. A Detroit native, Cherry also speaks German and paints rock portraits
Bass- Melanie (Iron Maidens, Ed Force One, Whole Lotta Rosies, Raven Mad, Hangar 18), a New Mexican beauty who handles the 5-string bass with authority and passion.
Vocals-Gigi (Foreign Objects, Vanity Killz, Metropolis) actress, songwriter, TV performer, entertainer. A visual and auditory treat, Gigi takes charge of the audience and leaves them begging for more :)
Drums- Sheri (The Pandoras, Hardly Dangerous, Belly Love) drives home the beat with power and assurance as well as delivering great showmanship and class that comes from years of touring.
UFO - Rock Bottom - As performed by 2 Hot 2 Handle - Irvine, CA