And then came the day when I realized that music (and in my specific case: guitar), is a gift from heaven that has been given us to enjoy ...
For many years it was a matter that I lost, a concept that I did not approve, a job, a burden, a pressure, something that made me feel frustrated or below other ... and finally, something I decided to forget and leave ...
But finally, and after a long way, I understood it is not fair to see it that way ...
Besides being a gift, music is an art, and art nobody has the absolute truth of who is "good" or who is "bad" ... whose " It serves "and who" does not work "..
my advice, for me and for others, from now on is:" Never let another decide to serve or not in life, that's not something that someone outside defined, that is something that only your heart knows, and is confirmed by your skills, the way you've come in life, the advice of those who love you and know what you have fought ...
and for those who are believers ... When God gives you something, so you decide to leave it, He is going to take care of reminding you day and night that you must go back to that, and however troubled life may be, and the way is more thorny than we sometimes wish, He It's going to be there to help you believe again ... ".
Enter ... (recorded with cel ....)
Thank You God - Angela Tapias