I'm finally back with a new piece for classical guitar :) "Constellations" is such a beautiful and mystical piece, I immediately fell in love when I listened to it for the first time. It contains a lot of different techniques and creates different kinds of atmospheres. To my mind it's like a thriller for classical guitar and I tried to emphasize those thrilling moods with some extra footage. I've been searching a location to record this piece for over 2 years because I wanted a place that is as special as this piece and I'm really happy that I could record this clip with my awesome cameraman at "Schloss Aulenbach" (castle of Aulenbach). If you like it then please help to spred this rather unknown piece around the world :) Instagram: @julia.lange.guitar https://www.facebook.com/JuliaLangeMu... Guitar: Jakob Lebisch http://lebischgitarren.de/ Guitar support (the thing that lifts my guitar up): "Guitarlift" http://guitarlift.de/ Stay tuned for my next video!
(Armand Coeck) Constellations - Julia Lange
"Yesterday" - The Beatles, Fingerstyle Guitar Arrangement by Julia Lange
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