Our latest issue is here and we are so pleased to feature one of our favorite artists, Orianthi, in this issue with her deep thoughts on unity and self-expression…manifested through truth and the strings on her guitar. In addition to Orianthi, we chatted with other great guitarists including Alexx Calise, best known for her hit song “Cry” who fills us in on her new project Batfarm; viral sensation Melanie Faye on of course guitars; Beyoncé’s guitarist Francesca Simone on her solo career and new music; Melia Maccarone on how writing music helped her get through hard times; and even young up-and-coming shredders Keona Lee and Li-sa-X.
The field seems to be growing among female shredders, and the talent keeps getting better, so we can’t wait for tomorrow, and the music still to come!
And along with that statement, Fender recently released their study “Illuminating the State of Today’s Guitar Players” addressing the many benefits of playing guitar and that 50% of the emerging market today represents womenhttps://guitargirlmag.com/product/guitar-girl-magazine-issue-16-summer-2021-acoustic-amplified-orianthi-cover/. We discuss this topic in this issue and even had a chance to catch up with the CEO and CMO of Fender to get their insights.
Read on for our hot picks on this year’s vinyl, our top three choices for bright and beautiful guitars, and six licks you can learn to raise the roof! And if you’re looking for some great last-minute gifts, we’ve got you covered.
As usual, we’ve included our mind teasers and a beautiful adult coloring sheet that’s nice enough to hang…wherever you like!
By the time we speak again, the holidays will be behind us, and a whole New Year will be ahead of us to make the most of everything we do!
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