I can participate in Mr. Haruhata's guitar course held at the end of March, I can listen to this song up close (๑ 'ฅ ฅ ‵ ๑) Because there is neither full moon distortion nor wah pedal, it is a disappointing finish www Well It is not the fault of the equipment, but ... (lll-ω-) It seems that he played full moon boogie at the talk show of Fender Custom Shop on the other day Chun (ー ン ω ˋ *) و ✧ This time I recorded in MTR The video from is a separate post taken as a cheating post (-'ω-') The album containing this song is here
The thankful magazine with tablature of this song is here
https https://amzn.to/2WNxumA You
can see where you can not hear fast (̄ ̄ 憧 憧) Longing Fender Full Moon Distortion https://amzn.to/2 WRLITL
Mr. Haruhata's recently favorite fender compressor The Bends
htt ps: //amzn.to/2 IOWTYj
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