#emmaruthrundle #guitar #rigrundown
Article & photos: https://bit.ly/EmmaRuthRundleRR
During the band’s fall tour supporting critically-praised On Dark Horses, orchestrator guitarist/vocalist Emma Ruth Rundles along with fellow guitarist (and ERR’s husband) Evan Patterson took some time at Nashville’s High Watt to hang with PG’s Chris Kies and go through their onstage gear.
From her days in the post-rock instrumental band Red Sparowes and the psych-metal outfit Marriages, Emma Ruth Rundle has been an ardent user of SGs for their light stature and hearty tones. However, when Guild brought back the T-Bird ST in 2017 one of their employees close to the resurrection felt the guitar would be perfect for Rundle and she’s been using it ever since because of the neck’s flatter radius and she digs the darker-sounding humbuckers (LB-1) that still have a balanced, high-end clarity. She has named the T-Bird “The Cloud”—the only one in her collection with such a designation—and the guitar bounces around various opening tunings that typically start in DADGAD.
Evan Patterson was a longtime user of a beat-up Fender Telecaster (neck pickup only) in his band Young Widows, but while supporting Emma he was after the loudest electric guitar that offered the most acoustic qualities, so he’s welcomed the semi-hollow tones of the Fender Coronado II reissue. On this particular run, this was his only guitar and he used GHS Boomers gauged .011–.056.
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Rig Rundown - Emma Ruth Rundle
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