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ALL SONGS PLAYED can be found in the Archspire guitar/bass tab book for the album "Relentless Mutation" available at www.sheethappenspublishing.com! Use code word "Dean" at checkout for 15% off your purchase!
Song 1: A Dark Horizontal
Song 2: The Mimic Well
Song 3: Calamus Will Animate
Song 4: Remote Tumour Seeker
Dean on IG: @Dean_Lamb_
Dean on Twitch: @Deanlamb9
Claire on IG: @claines_world
Claire on Twitch: @claines_world
Dean Lamb Guitar Lesson Packages: www.deanlamb.com
Claire's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8rF...
Dean Lamb Signature Tonecrate Kemper pack: https://tonecratevault.com/products/d...
Claire and Dean play kiesel guitars, check out their online build calculator and in-stock section at www.kieselguitars.com
4 MORE Levels of Death Metal: Claire Learns Archspire Riffs
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