Here’s the story of how I stole my Hiwatt Custom 50 DR 504 from 1972 off of Pink Floyds very own David Gilmour before he could get his hands on it plus what Hiwatt themselves discovered about the amp. Hopefully this video will enlighten any gear heads out there who haven't had the pleasure of getting up close to see the nitty gritty of how this head functions. I wanted to keep this video short and sweet so there is no demo included of this head just yet. If anybody is interested in hearing what it sounds like let me know and I'll follow up with another video. ✌️ 📚 THE STORY: 0:00 - 5:50 🏆 THE RUNDOWN:
🏆 THE RUNDOWN: 5:50 RUNDOWN INCLUDES: THE FRONT: RUNDOWN INCLUDES: THE FRONT: 5:50Normal/Brilliance inputs: 6:00Tone controls: 6:16Ease of use: 6:27No second channel: 6:45Using pedals: 7:03Missing logo: 7:14 THE BACK: 7:23Outputs & Ohmage: 7:28Voltage output: 8:18Fuses: 8:51 EXTRAS:
The side (Showing the "LADY" paintwork) - 9:32The Handle: 10:07 ----------------------------------- FOLLOW ME:
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🎼 Created by Laurie Buchanan
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