THANK YOU to my Patrons for making this video possible:
Anika Jaschke, Ben Sawyer, Bence Nagy, Bernardo Sarmiento, Brice Lefebvre, Bruno Caruso, Christian K, Edgar Ramos, Evgen Filatov, Fran Hibrido, Greg Rygar, Jarrod C, Javier Martinez, Jehu Camacho, Joe, Joshua Bacsi, Matthew Schlebusch, Nelson, Nicholas Nethers, Rui Silva, Syn Sodomalmsteen & Timo Senechal!
You guys make projects like these possible and I’m super grateful for your continued support :)
Also, thank you to my husband Anup for shooting this video in the middle of the woods on a 95 degree day with bugs swarming around us the entire time lol.
Stream this song on:
Spotify - http://bit.ly/MaruVelaSpotify
Apple Music - http://bit.ly/MaruVelaApple
Bandcamp - http://bit.ly/MaruVelaBandcamp
Ambar - Maru Martinez (Music Video)
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