〇Official Website : https://shredracers.com
"CYNTIA" guitarist YUI and "IRONBUNNY" guitarist Ediee Ironbunny have a studio session of YUI's solo song "It's Shine Days"!
"Shred RACERS ONLINE F1" will be held from 14:00 on Saturday, August 29th in Japan time, and you can enjoy the fast-playing performances of the performers D_Drive, YUI, and Ediee Ironbunny, as well as covers of famous songs and collaboration sessions. And so on, it's a video that can only be seen here. stay tuned!
CYNTIAのギタリスト・YUIと、IRONBUNNYのギタリスト・Ediee IronbunnyがYUIのソロ楽曲「It's Shine Days」をスタジオセッション!
日本時間では8月29日(土)14時~開催の「Shred RACERS ONLINE F1」は、出演者であるD_Drive、YUI、Ediee Ironbunnyのそれぞれの速弾きプレイが楽しめる他、有名楽曲のカバーやコラボセッションなど、ここでしか見られない映像となります。乞うご期待!
YOUNG GUITAR × Nippon Cultural Broadcasting presents
Online Omnibus Guitarist Live Shred RACERS ONLINE F1
Ediee Ironbunny (IRONBUNNY)
mayu (NEMPHILA) *guest vocalist
Watch the event LIVE wherever you are!
TOKYO – 8/29(Sat) 14:00(JST / UTC+0900)
LOS ANGELES – 8/28(Fri) 22:00(PDT)
NEW YORK – 8/29(Sat) 01:00(EDT)
LONDON - 8/29(Sat) 6:00(BST)
BERLIN – 8/29(Sat) 7:00(CEST)
It's Shine Days - Shred RACERS - YUI[CYNTIA]×Ediee Ironbunny[IRONBUNNY]
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