In New York Vlog, I would like to upload the class one by one without editing. Please have fun. Last time, while planning a program for the gifted music at the parent broadcasting station, we are preparing the'Songs suitable for broadcasting (?)' that the author ordered. I'm going to try this and that... because it's something I need to learn anyway ^^ (New York Practical Music Academy is the birthplace of Korea's guitar gifted education. If you subscribe, you can subscribe to more videos of music gifted students, workshops for self-development, and know-how of successful applicants. You can look it up, thank you.
Entrance examination/study abroad/professional/hobby)
(New York VLOG) Jiyeon is in FUNK class ㅋ (Michael Jackson/beat it short)
[뉴욕 VLOG] bohemian rhapsody (Queen) - Ji Yeon Lee (이지연)
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