Nicole Papastavrou: DEATH METAL QUICKIES #3

Fresh riff delivery by yours truly, and Justin McKinney (The Zenith Passage).
Guest vocals by Derek Rydquist.
Engineered by Justin McKinney.
Edit by me.

Gear used:

Nicole: Jackson USA Custom HT6
Justin: Kiesel Vader V6X


DEATH METAL QUICKIES #3 | Ft Derek Rydquist (John Frum, ex-The Faceless)
Hey everyone! This is a little piece I wrote showcasing all of my artist presets that are included in the new Neural DSP Archetype: Gojira plugin. The presets "Octomonster" and "Octocrusher" were specifically tailored for 8 string guitars. The rest I made on a 6 string, so if you choose to play them on a 7 or 8 I'd suggest pulling back on the gain and even the octaver. Let me know what you guys think!

Drums by my drummer in Kallias: JP Andrade
Drums recorded and mixed by Zaki Ali at Redshift Recording.
Overall guitar mix by Justin McKinney.

Gear: USA Jackson HT8, Dimarzio Ionizers, Neural DSP Archetype: Gojira

Try Neural DSP Archetype: Gojira here

Archetype: Gojira | Neural DSP | Nicole Papastavrou Presets
