Honeko: Tim Henson's Daughter + Roze Skin + Ethereal Feel + Purgatory Multivoicer Part

This is a joke.
Hope you enjoyed it though :)

Ibanez JEMJR Pink
Archetype: Tim Henson
Focusrite Scarlett Solo

My biggest inspirations that make me want to become really good at playing are Tim Henson, Ichika Nito, Manuel Gardner-Fernandes, Yvette Young, Polyphia, and Unprocessed. They make epic music and i recommend you go listen to them if you enjoy the stuff I post.

This fingerstyle is quite fun and challenging! I really enjoy the epic challenge of playing my electric Steve Vai's signature JEM. Using Archetype: Tim Henson. Electric fingerstyle not acoustic.

Tim Henson's Daughter

Manuel Gardner-Fernandes - Roze Skin (Cover)

Ichika Nito - Ethereal Feel (Short Cover)

Purgatory Multivoicer Part (Archetype: Tim Henson) Cover
