Sakura Yoshida: Head amp introduction! ! Marshall JMP EVH5150 III Soldano (Japanese)

Happy new year! ! During the New Year, I want to eat a lot of rice cakes, play the guitar, and relax, but last year on December 28th, I bought a Soldano for my birthday, so I was busy renovating my room and tidying up until the end of the year. I was. . I don't know what will happen in 2023, but I'm going to have fun and do my best! so,! I would like to introduce three head amps that I have on the occasion of buying Soldano. I only have 3 of them so far, but it's interesting to play with Marshall, EVH, and Soldano. [Summary of impressions] ①Marsahll JMP →Clean is amazing! If it's a metal genre, Lead might be unsatisfactory, but I think hard rock or punk rock with full use of effectors would be good! After all, the speed and core of the response when playing the sound is good. Properly distorted metal is fun to play! In terms of sound, I think I've taken the best parts of Peavey and 5150. ③Soldano → This is also my recommendation for Lead. It's hard to get through because it's cracked, but the Lead solo series has a solid core that allows the sound to pass through. The power is also amazing [I want to apologize in advance] *The sound of the camera mic is crackling, making it difficult to transmit (especially the Soldano sound is loud and the camera is compressing) *I forgot the tuner, so the tuning is a little vague, sorry Also, at some point, I hope to be able to post three recorded sound sources! ⚔ Sakura Yoshida Link ▶

Head amp introduction! ! Marshall JMP EVH5150 III Soldano
