Moo Chan: [LOUDNESS] SDI Guitar Cover

This year's final video is one of the top three songs I've practiced the most out of all the videos I've uploaded. I borrowed Killer's white Prime and tried to play it while standing. I tried to match it with the live version from the third season, but it was a complete failure! It's just so fast! At this speed, I was struggling to keep up, I was out of sync, and I couldn't play... (-_-;) I used a different amp model than usual to change the sound. As usual, I used the NUX MG-300. This year's last song is one of the top 3 most practiced songs in the uploaded videos. I borrowed Killer Prime and tried playing it standing up. I tried playing along with the live version of the third season, but it was a big mistake! Just fast! At this speed, I'm desperate to keep it up, and it doesn't fit with the other parts, and I can't play it. (-_-;) I used a different amp model than usual to change the tone. The equipment I used was a NUX MG-300 as usual

[LOUDNESS] SDI Guitar Cover
