Ruru Mitsuru: A World You've Never Seen Before MADASEKA in Düsseldorf 2024

まだ見たことのないセカイ Mada Mita Koto No Nai Sekai (MADASEKA) at Der Hof in Düsseldorf, Germany, on April 8, 2024. Hime's last show 橋村姫との最後のライブ.
00:30 escape
05:09 blue rose
10:59 ミライシグナル
14:35 Seize your Moment
18:25 Next Stage
23:45 Darkness
27:51 Sound Of My Heart
30:56 realize
34:51 極彩色のユートピア
39:27 Break away
43:42 Reincarnation (cut)
47:56 Get on the Tailwind

A World You've Never Seen Before MADASEKA in Düsseldorf 2024
