Rie a.k.a. Suzaku: Open Arms (Journey Cover)

2025年2月2日 Rie a.k.a. Suzaku Vocal Fusion Session Episode.2
出演:Rie a.k.a. Suzaku (G)/MiMi (Vocal Dr)/芹田ジュナ (Vocal B)/斉藤アリア (Kb)

Rie a.k.a Suzaku Official Web Site http://www.poppin.jp/rie_web/
Hello, I'm Rie, a Japanese female guitarist. Currently, we are holding concerts mainly in Tokyo.
She has composed all the songs herself and has released 15 CD albums to date.
If she gets the chance, she would be happy if she could listen to other songs as well.
I look forward to her.

Rie a.k.a. Suzaku : Open Arms (Journey Cover)
